Data Feed Example
Skill level:

This example demonstrates a tool that can be built with an advanced-level knowledge of the MyGeotab system. It is suitable for those who have a well-versed understanding of the entire Geotab ecosystem and are confident with the MyGeotab SDK and leveraging the MyGeotab APIs within their projects.

This example shows you how you can implement polling for multiple sources of data. We retrieve new information by setting up JavaScript intervals which invoke a function every few seconds. This function is responsible for building a set of API requests using MultiCall to reduce network traffic. After we have the results from the API response, we dynamically build an HTML table with all the data.
In this example
API Methods:GetFeed
API Entities:FaultData LogRecord StatusData

Select the options of data you want to visualize:

Vehicle IdIdDateLatitudeLongitudeSpeedDiagnosticValue