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Geotab Map Add-In Overview

Map Add-ins are integrations embedded within the Map or Trips History pages of the MyGeotab platform. Once installed, a panel will appear on the right-side of the Map or Trips History page, containing the UI of the Map Add-in. These Add-ins can read from and operate on the map, as well as access the MyGeotab APIs. This document outlines the installation process and APIs available for Map Add-In development.

Below is an example of a Map Add-In installed within the Map page of MyGeotab. When a user clicks a vehicle on the map, this integration displays the relevant data for that vehicle.

Displaying vehicle information on the Map page, with a Map Add-in.
Figure #1 - The "Vehicle Info" Map Add-in.


Map Add-ins are installed by uploading an Add-in Configuration file into MyGeotab. Click on Administration -> System... -> System Settings -> Add-Ins -> New Add-In, and upload the Add-in Configuration file. The following is an example of a Map Add-in's Configuration file:

    "name": "Tooltip",
    "supportEmail": "",
    "version": "1.0",
    "items": [{
        "page": "map",
        "title": "Tooltips",
        "noView": false,
        "mapScript": {
            "src": "addin.js",
            "style": "addin.css",
            "url": "addin.html"

The main properties of the Configuration file are as follows:

  1. page - This defines which page the Map Add-in will reside within. This could be “map” (The Map page) or “tripsHistory” (the Trips History page). The default value is “map”.
  2. title - This is a heading displayed at the top of the panel when there are multiple Map Add-ins installed. If a "title" is not provided, the Add-in defaults to the "name" parameter.
  3. noView - If true, the add-in will not be displayed in the right-side panel. The default value is false.
  4. src - The JavaScript file reference for the Add-in. This can be an externally hosted file or uploaded into MyGeotab by dragging and dropping it into the Configuration file window.
  5. style - The CSS file reference for this Add-In. This can be externally hosted or uploaded to MyGeotab.
  6. url - The HTML file reference for this Add-In. This option can be used instead of src and style. Links to CSS and JavaScript files can be made within this HTML file. All content within the <body> tags will be added to the Map Add-in UI ((Example).

You can find example Map Add-ins here.


Iframe Setup

In the MyGeotab portal, Map Add-ins are loaded when the user visits the MyGeotab page containing the Add-in. For example, the Add-in in Figure #1 loads when the user visits the Map page.

Map Add-ins are loaded inside an iframe with its sandbox attribute set to "allow-scripts". This allows the Map Add-in to run custom scripts, such as the JavaScript file from the "src" parameter in the Add-in Configuration file.

Important Notes:

  • All Map Add-ins installed in a database are active at the same time, when the user is on the Map or Trips History page. If different Add-ins use the same variable name, it will cause an error and will lead to a non-working Add-in. You should name your variables according to your solution name - e.g. for "ABC Add-in" you should use "abc" as a prefix for all your variables.
  • When the user leaves the page, the content of the iframe is cleared by the browser.
  • When the user returns to the page, the scripts inside the iframe are reloaded.
  • If necessary, the current Add-In state can be saved in Local Storage, IndexedDB, or elsewhere.

Do not access elements or APIs outside the iframe panel; they can be changed without notice in future versions of MyGeotab, which might break your Add-In. Use only the services and methods documented here and on the API Reference page when interacting with a page outside the iframe.

Panel Size

The iframe panel has a fixed width of 450 pixels; the width shrinks to accomodate screens with widths below 600 pixels. The panel height is responsive, always reaching the bottom of the page.

The figures below display how the panel size changes between a desktop screen and a mobile phone screen.

Example of how Map Add-ins look on a desktop screen.
Figure #2 - Map Add-in size on desktop.
Example of how Map Add-ins look on a mobile screen.
Figure #3 - Map Add-in size on mobile.

If multiple Map Add-ins are installed, each is accessible by selecting the appropriate tab at the top of the panel. In Figure #4, there are 3 add-ins installed on the page, denoted by the 3 tabs at the top of the panel. The add-ins are titled "Live Trip History", "Tooltip", and "Vehicle Info".

Example of multiple add-ins on the map.
Figure #4 - Multiple Add-ins on the Map page.


The starting point for the Map Add-in JavaScript code is the function that is added as a method to "window.geotab.addin". For example:

geotab.addin.request = (elt, service) => {
    // code for Map Add-In

This function has two arguments:

  1. elt - The HTMLElement of the Add-In. It contains everything that belongs to the Add-In.
  2. service - The JavaScript file reference for the Add-in.

The Add-in function will be called when a user visits the Add-in by clicking on its tab. After that, the "focus" and "blur" events will be fired when the user opens or leaves the Add-in tab, respectively (See Page Service).

Map Add-In Services

page service (Example)

Service for getting/setting page state and moving between MyGeotab page


Service methodsDescription
set (key: string, value: string): Promise<boolean>Sets new key/value pair to page state
get (): Promise<object>Gets page state
go (page: string, state?: object): Promise<boolean>Changes current page
hasAccessToPage (page: string): Promise<boolean>Checks whether current user has access to MyGeotab page
getFilterState (): Promise<IGroupFilterId[]>Gets current company filter state
attach (eventName: string, eventHandler: (serviceData: any) => void): voidAttaches event handler to service
detach (eventName: string, eventHandler?: (serviceData: any) => void): voidDetaches event handler to service


Service property nameTypeDescription
activebooleanCurrent map add-in state. It's true if current add-in is focused


Event nameEvent objectDescription
focusEmpty objectEvent is fired when user focuses on current map add-in
blurEmpty objectEvent is fired when user focuses on another map add-in
state: (object) - Updated page state
Event is fired when the state of the page is changed
groups: (IGroupFilterId[]) - Updated array of filter groups
Event is fired when the company filter groups is changed

Interface IGroupFilterId

Group id object that is selected by user in company filter


localStorage service (Example)

Service to request information stored in browser LocalStorage


Service methodsDescription
set (key: string, value: string): Promise<boolean>Sets key-value pairs to browser localStorage with key
remove (key: string): Promise<boolean>Removes value from browser localStorage by key
get (key: string): Promise<string>Gets value from browser localStorage by key

api service (Example)

Service for requesting data from Geotab server


Service methodsDescription
call (method: string, params: object): Promise<any[]>Sends single request to Geotab server
multiCall (calls: TApiCall[]): Promise<any[][]>Sends multiple requests to Geotab server in one batch
getSession (): Promise<ISessionInfo>Gets current user session information

Interface ISessionInfo

Current user session information


Type TApiCall

[string, object]

Tuple for calling server methods where first element is method name and second is an object with parameters.

events service (Example)

Service for catching events that happens when user interact with different entities on the map


Service methodsDescription
attach (eventName: string, eventHandler: (serviceData: any) => void): voidAttaches event handler to service
detach (eventName: string, eventHandler?: (serviceData: any) => void): voidDetaches event handler to service


Event nameEvent objectDescription
data: (ICoordinate) - Position of the pointer on the map
Event is fired when user moves pointer over the map
data: (TEventData) - Main information about entity
Event is fired when user moves pointer over an object on the map
data: (TEventData) - Main information about entity
Event is fired when user moves pointer out of an object on the map
data: (TEventData) - Main information about entity
Event is fired when user clicks on an object on the map
data: (TEntityEventData) - Main information about entity and its state
Event is fired when status of the entity on the map is changed

Interface IZoneEvent

Event object that is sent to add-in when user interacts with zone


Interface IZoneEventData

Zone object that is sent to add-in when user interacts with zone


Interface IDeviceEvent

Event object that is sent to add-in when user interacts with device


Interface IDeviceEventData

Device object that is sent to add-in when user interacts with device


Interface IRouteEvent

Event object that is sent to add-in when user interacts with route


Interface IRouteEventData

Route object that is sent to add-in when user interacts with route


Interface ITripEvent

Event object that is sent to add-in when user interacts with trip


Interface ITripEventData

Trip object that is sent to add-in when user interacts with trip

idstringId of the trip
device{ id: string; }Device id object that drove this trip
dateTimestringDate and time of the trip point

Interface IExceptionsEvent

Event object that is sent to add-in when user interacts with device exceptions


Interface IExceptionsEventData

Exceptions object that is sent to add-in when user interacts with exception icon on the map


Interface IExceptionEventData

Exception object that is sent to add-in when user interacts with exception icon on the map

tostringDate and time when this exception ends
fromstringDate and time when this exception starts
idstringId of the exception
rule{ id: string; }Rule id object of this exception
device{ id: string; }Device id object where this exception happen

Interface IDeviceChangeEvent

Event object that is sent to add-in when vehicle location on the map changes


Type TEventData

IZoneEvent | IDeviceEvent | IRouteEvent | ITripEvent | IExceptionsEvent

Event object that is sent to add-in when user interacts with different types of entitis on the map

Type TEntityEventData


Event object that is sent to add-in when something is happened with different types of entitis on the map

map service (Example)

Service for manipulating viewport of the map and getting updates about changed map viewport


Service methodsDescription
setBounds (bounds: IMapBounds): Promise<boolean>Sets map bounds
getBounds (): Promise<IMapBounds>Gets current map bounds
setZoom (zoom: number): Promise<boolean>Sets map zoom level
getZoom (): Promise<number>Gets current map zoom level
attach (eventName: string, eventHandler: (serviceData: any) => void): voidAttaches event handler to service
detach (eventName: string, eventHandler?: (serviceData: any) => void): voidDetaches event handler to service


Event nameEvent objectDescription
changeEmpty objectEvent is fired when viewport of map is changed. This event fires each time when use drags or zooms map
viewport: (IChangedViewport) - Current map zoom and bounds
Event is fired when user finished dragging and zooming map

Interface IChangedViewport

Current map viewport

zoomnumberCurrent map zoom
boundsIMapBoundsCurrent map bounds

Interface IMapBounds

Object that represents a map bounding box.

swIMapLatLngThe southwest corner of the bounding box.
neIMapLatLngThe northeast corner of the bounding box.

Interface IMapLatLng

An object that represents longitude and latitude

latnumberLatitude, measured in degrees.
lngnumberLongitude, measured in degrees.

tooltip service (Example)

Service for showing additional information in entities tooltip


Service methodsDescription
showAt (position: TPosition, pattern: ITooltip, sequence: number): voidShows custom tooltip at certain position on the map
show (pattern: ITooltip, sequence: number): voidAdds additional information to already shown tooltip on the map
hide (): voidHids additional information from already shown and custom tooltip
setConfig (config: ITooltipConfig): Promise<boolean>Sets configuration for changing current application tooltip
getConfig (): Promise<ITooltipConfig>Sets configuration for current application tooltip

Interface ITooltip

Custom map add-in tooltip options. It can be either a text information or an image

iconstringIcon image for custom tooltip part.
imageITooltipImageImage options that should be shown instead of text in tooltip
mainstringMain tooltip text
secondarystring[]Secondary information that will be written with smaller font
additionalstring[]Some additional tooltip information

Interface ITooltipImage

Custom tooltip image options. It can be either link to external image, base64 image or image stored in ArrayBuffer

urlstringEither link to external image or serialized base64 image or stringified SVG image
bufferArrayBufferImage stored in ArrayBuffer
widthnumberWidth of the image
heightnumberHeight of the image

Interface ITooltipConfig

Application tooltip config. Based on this config application desides what parts of tooltip should be rendered

deviceIDeviceTooltipConfigChanges information in devices tooltip

Interface IDeviceTooltipConfig

Device tooltip config to control amount of information that is shown in tooltip.

statebooleanShows/hides current device state in tooltip
groupsbooleanShows/hides device groups information in tooltip

actionList service (Example)

Service for showing a custom action list instead of the existing one, or adding custom buttons to existing action lists.


Service methodsDescription
show (position: TPosition, title: string, items: IMenuActionItem[]): voidShows custom action menu on certain position
attachMenu (menuName: TMenuType, handler: TMenuHandler): voidSubscribes on event when one of the MyGeotab map menus is shown to add new action button
detachMenu (menuName: TMenuType, handler?: TMenuHandler): voidUnsubscribes on event when one of the MyGeotab map menus is shown
attach (eventName: string, eventHandler: (serviceData: any) => void): voidAttaches event handler to service
detach (eventName: string, eventHandler?: (serviceData: any) => void): voidDetaches event handler to service


Event nameEvent objectDescription
data: (object) - Data from `` for the current button
Event is fired when user clicks on custom button in action list. Event name is defined by "clickEvent" property in custom button object.

Interface IMenuActionItem

Custom action button options

titlestringButton title
iconstringButton icon image
urlstringURL to external page. If this property is used than button will be an anchor element
clickEventstringName of the event that will be fired when user clicks on this button
zIndexnumberNumber that defined position of the custom action button in menu
dataobjectCustom data that will be send with `clickEvent` when user clicks on this button

Interface IMenuEventData

Data that is passed to add-in when all types of map action menus are about to be shown


Interface IMapMenuEventData extends IMenuEventData

Data that is passed to add-in when map action menu is about to be shown

Interface IZoneMenuEventData extends IMenuEventData

Data that is passed to add-in when zone action menu is about to be shown

zone{ id: string; }

Interface IRouteMenuEventData extends IMenuEventData

Data that is passed to add-in when route action menu is about to be shown

route{ id: string; }

Interface IMarkerMenuEventData extends IMenuEventData

Data that is passed to add-in when location marker action menu is about to be shown


Interface IDeviceMenuEventData extends IMenuEventData

Data that is passed to add-in when device action menu is about to be shown

device{ id: string; }

Interface ITripMenuEventData extends IMenuEventData

Data that is passed to add-in when trip action menu is about to be shown

device{ id: string; }

Interface ITripData

Trip data that is passed to add-in when trip action menu is about to be shown


Type TMenuType

"zone" | "map" | "device" | "route" | "marker" | "trip"

Types of menus where custom action buttons can be added

Type TMenuHandler

(menuName: string, data: TMenuEventData) => IMenuActionItem[] | Promise<IMenuActionItem[]>

Function that will be called when certain action menu is about to be opened

Type TMenuEventData

IMapMenuEventData | IZoneMenuEventData | IRouteMenuEventData | IMarkerMenuEventData | IDeviceMenuEventData | ITripMenuEventData

Data that is passed to add-in based on type of menu that is shown

canvas service (Example)

Service for drawing custom shapes on the map


Service methodsDescription
path (path: IPathSeg[], zIndex: number): ICanvasElement<ICanvasPathAttributes>Draws SVG path element on the map
rect (coords: TPosition, width: number, height: number, radius: number, zIndex: number): ICanvasElement<ICanvasRectAttributes>Draws SVG rect element on the map
circle (coords: TPosition, radius: number, zIndex: number): ICanvasElement<ICanvasCircleAttributes>Draws SVG circle element on the map
text (coords: TPosition, text: string, zIndex: number): ICanvasElement<ICanvasTextAttributes>Draws SVG text element on the map
marker (coords: TPosition, width: number, height: number, source: TMarkerSource, zIndex: number): ICanvasElement<ICanvasMarkerAttributes>Draws custom image element on the map
clear (): voidClears all drawn elements on the map

Interface IPathSeg

Segment of the path element that will be added in `d` attribute

typestringType of the segment. Supported types `M`, `m`, `L`, `l`, `Z`, `C`, `c`, `S`, `s`
pointsTPathSegPoint[]Locations or coordinates that should be used in current segment

Interface ICanvasElement<T extends TCanvasElementAttributes>

New map element object

change (attrs: T): ICanvasElement<T>Changes style attributes of the current map element
remove (): voidRemoves current map element
isRemoved (): booleanReturns true if element was removed
attach (event: TCanvasElementEvent, handler: (data: ICoordinate) => void): ICanvasElement<T>Attaches event handler to current element event
detach (event: TCanvasElementEvent, handler?: (data: ICoordinate) => void): ICanvasElement<T>Detaches event handler from current element event

Interface ICanvasElementStyleAttributes

Style properties that can be changed for every custom element

fillstringBackground color of the element
strokestringBorder color of the element
stroke-widthnumberBorder width of the element
fill-opacitynumberOpacity of the element
font-sizenumberText element font size
font-weightnumberText element font weight

Interface ICanvasRectAttributes extends ICanvasElementStyleAttributes

Attribute of rect that can be changed for every custom element

heightnumberHeight in pixels of the element
widthnumberWidth in pixels of the element
rxnumberRadius in pixels x-axios of the element
rynumberRadius in pixels y-axios of the element
coordsTPositionPosition of the element

Interface ICanvasTextAttributes extends ICanvasElementStyleAttributes

Text element attributes that can be changed for every custom text element

dxnumberOffset in pixels x-axios of the element
dynumberOffset in pixels y-axios of the element
textstringText of the element
coordsTPositionPosition of the element

Interface ICanvasCircleAttributes extends ICanvasElementStyleAttributes

Attribute of circle that can be changed for every custom element

rnumberRadius in pixels of the element
coordsTPositionPosition of the element

Interface ICanvasPathAttributes extends ICanvasElementStyleAttributes

Attribute of path that can be changed for every custom element

pathIPathSeg[]Path of the element

Interface ICanvasMarkerAttributes extends ICanvasElementStyleAttributes

Attribute of marker that can be changed for every custom element

heightnumberHeight in pixels of the element
widthnumberWidth in pixels of the element
xnumberPosition of the element
ynumberPosition of the element
dxnumberOffset in pixels x-axios of the element
dynumberOffset in pixels y-axios of the element
coordsTPositionPosition of the element
hrefstringImage href of the element
bufferArrayBufferImage ArrayBuffer of the element

Type TPathSegPoint

ILocation | ICoordinate | number

Location or coordinate of the next point

Type TCanvasElementEvent

"click" | "over" | "out"

Supported custom map element event types

Type TMarkerSource

string | ArrayBuffer

Marker can be presented as a encoded SVG or base64 string or URL to third party resource or binary array in ArrayBuffer

Interface ILocation


Interface ICoordinate


Type TPosition

ILocation | ICoordinate

Example Add-ins

Here are some examples and type definition files that can help you understand how to work with Map Add-ins. Download them, unzip the files, then follow the instructions in the ReadMe document.