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Using the Geotab Data Connector


This guide describes the general flow for ETL users to consume Geotab Data Connector. OData Connector implemented OData protocol V4, or you may consider it just as a RESTful service.


Before making your first call, it is strongly recommended to skip the general entry and make the call directly to OData Connector. If you are not sure what the URL to call is, please contact the support team.

General Entry

Feel free to skip this section if you plan to make calls directly to OData Connector. If you have to make a call to the general entry (https://data-connector.geotab.com), make sure you are ready to handle the 302 response and make another call to the returned URL.

Sample general entry response:

> GET /odata/v4/svc/VehicleKpi_Daily?%24search=this_year&%24top=1 HTTP/1.1
> Host: data-connector.geotab.com
> User-Agent: insomnia/2022.6.0
> Authorization: Basic {credential_base64_encoded}
> Accept: */*

* TLSv1.3 (IN), TLS handshake, Newsession Ticket (4):
* Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse

< HTTP/1.1 302 
< Location: https://odata-connector-1.geotab.com/odata/v4/svc/VehicleKpi_Daily?%24search=this_year&%24top=1
< Content-Language: en-US
< Content-Length: 0
< Date: Tue, 07 Feb 2023 16:32:57 GMT

If you are making calls to the general entry with postman or insomnia, the 400 error code is expected since postman or insomnia redirect requests WITHOUT the auth header.

OData Connector

Given the right url, you may test the service connection by making calls to the service root: https://odata-connector-1.geotab.com/odata/v4/svc/

No credential is required for this service root.


Sample request:

curl --request GET \
>   --url https://odata-connector-1.geotab.com/odata/v4/svc/

Sample response:

	"@odata.context": "https://odata-connector-1.geotab.com/odata/v4/svc/$metadata",
	"value": [
			"name": "LatestVehicleMetadata",
			"url": "LatestVehicleMetadata"
			"name": "VehicleKpi_Daily",
			"url": "VehicleKpi_Daily"
			"name": "VehicleKpi_Hourly",
			"url": "VehicleKpi_Hourly"
			"name": "DeviceGroups",
			"url": "DeviceGroups"
			"name": "VehicleKpi_Monthly",
			"url": "VehicleKpi_Monthly"

Make sure to attach one of the above table names after the service root and attach your base64 encoded credentials in the following format: <database>/<username>:<password>

e.g. abccompany/geotab-data-connector@geotab.com:password Sample request:

curl --request GET \
>   --url https://odata-connector-1.geotab.com/odata/v4/svc/VehicleKpi_Daily \
>   --header 'Authorization: Basic {credential_base64_encoded}'

Sample response:

	"@odata.context": "https://odata-connector-1.geotab.com/odata/v4/svc/$metadata#VehicleKpi_Daily",
	"value": [
			"UTC_Date": "2023-01-03",
			"Local_Date": "2023-01-02",
			"CompanyGuid": "B010CC02-xxxx-xxxx-xxx",
			"Vin": null,
			"SerialNo": "G94B210xxxx",
			"DeviceId": "b4xxxx",
			"Device_Health": "Device did not communicate within the day",
			"MinOdometer_Km": null,
			"MaxOdometer_Km": null,
			"DriveDuration_Seconds": 0.0,
			"IdleDuration_Seconds": 0.0,
			"TotalEngine_Hours": 0.0,
			"GPS_Distance_Km": 0.0,
			"Stops_Count": 0,
			"TotalFuel_Litres": null,
			"IdleFuel_Litres": null,
			"FuelEconomy_Distance_Km": null,
			"UniqueVehicleFault_Count": null,
			"UniqueDeviceFault_Count": null,
			"LatestLongitude": null,
			"LatestLatitude": null

You can also specify a date range as the query option, for more information about the query option, see here.


The following example shows how to consume OData Connector with Python, feel free to use any programming language, library or framework. Dependencies:

#@title Import Libraries
import requests
import getpass
import json
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import datetime
from datetime import date, timezone
from datetime import timedelta

Setup credential and query options :

#@title Grab user login info, database, username, password and date range
database = 'database'   #@param {type:"string"}
username = 'username'  #@param {type:"string"}
wStartDate = "2022-12-01" #@param {type:"date"}
wEndDate = "2022-12-05" #@param {type:"date"}
wVehicleKPI = "VehicleKPI_Daily" #@param ["VehicleKPI_Hourly", "VehicleKPI_Daily", "VehicleKPI_Monthly"]
password = 'password' #@param {type:"string"}

Get data from latest vehicle metadata and visualization:

#Retrieve latest Vehicle metadata based on table selected and date range.
#Connect to table
r=requests.get('https://odata-connector-1.geotab.com/odata/v4/svc/LatestVehicleMetadata', auth=(database + '/' + username, password) , verify=False)
#Display http request status code.
#Load the data into a dataframe.  (Data is contained within the 'value' key.)
vDf= pd.DataFrame(r.json()['value'])
#Display the first 5 records.

Get data from vehicle KPI table with date range:

#Retrieve appropriate Vehicle KPI data based on table selected and date range.
#Connect to table
r=requests.get('https://odata-connector-1.geotab.com/odata/v4/svc/' + wVehicleKPI  + '?$search=from_' + wStartDate +  '_to_' +  wEndDate, auth=(database + '/' + username, password) , verify=False)

#Display http request status code.

#Load the data into a dataframe.  (Data is contained within the 'value' key.)
kpiDf= pd.DataFrame(r.json()['value'])
#Display the first 5 records.

Table Schema

Please refer to Geotab Data Connector – Data Schema and Dictionary for current available data and details about table schema.