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The MyGeotab API is language agnostic and can be accessed from languages that support HTTPS requests and JSON.

There are a number of language specific API clients that roll-up some common functionality such as authentication, session management, deserialization, etc. making it easier to hit the ground running in your language of choice.


Quick Start

Install the NuGet package from the package manager console:

Install-Package Geotab.Checkmate.ObjectModel

Please remember to regularly check for Geotab.Checkmate.ObjectModel nuget package updates. Ideally, your integration should use the same Geotab.Checkmate.ObjectModel nuget package version as the one that your database is on.

Using it in code

var api = new API("user@example.com", "password", null, "database");
await api.AuthenticateAsync();

var devices = await api.CallAsync<List<Device>>("Get", typeof(Device), new { resultsLimit = 1 });


Quick Start

Add the maven dependency

Using it in code

Credentials credentials = Credentials.builder()

GeotabApi api = new GeotabApi(credentials);

LoginResult loginResult = api.authenticate();

AuthenticatedRequest<?> request = AuthenticatedRequest.authRequestBuilder()

Optional<List<Device>> result = api.call(request, DeviceListResponse.class);


Quick Start

Install the Bower package from the command line:

$ bower install --save mg-api-js

Using it in code (more on github - MyGeotab API wrapper for both clientside JavaScript and NodeJS)

var api = GeotabApi(function (authenticateCallback) {
    authenticateCallback('my.geotab.com', 'database', 'user@example.com', 'password', function(err) {

api.call('Get', {
    typeName: 'Device',
    resultsLimit: 1
}, function (result) {
    if (result) {
}, function (err) {


Quick Start

Install the NPM package from the command line:

$ npm install mg-api-node --save

Using it in code (more on github - nodejs client for the MyGeotab API)

var api = new API('user@example.com', 'password', 'database');
api.authenticate(function(err, result) {
    console.log('Error', err);

  api.call('Get', {
    typeName: 'Device',
    resultsLimit: 1
  }, function(err, devices) {
      console.log('Error', err);
    console.log('Devices', devices);


Quick Start

Install the library and command line tool:

$ pip install mygeotab

Using it in code (more on github - Python client for the MyGeotab SDK)

>> import mygeotab
>> api = mygeotab.API(username='user@example.com', password='password', database='database')
>> api.authenticate()

>> api.get('Device', resultsLimit=1)


Quick Start

Install the composer package from the command line:

$ composer require geotab/mygeotab-php

Using it in code (more on github - Php client for the MyGeotab SDK)

$api = new Geotab\API("user@example.com", "password", "database", "my.geotab.com");

$api->get("Device", ["resultsLimit" => 1], function ($results) {
}, function ($error) {