Python Code Samples
All Python sample code was tested using Python 3.5.2 (64-bit) running under Windows 10. You will need to install pySerial to test these samples.
pip install pyserial
Spoof an External Device
Run this python script while connected to a GO device via an IOX-RS232
import serial
import time
def checksum(message):
b0 = 0
b1 = 0
for i in range(0, len(message)):
b0 += int(message[i])
b1 += b0
return bytes([b0%256, b1%256])
def createMessage(message):
message = bytes([0x02]) + message
check = checksum(message)
message = message + check + bytes([0x03])
return message
# look for ttyUSB in Linux (ls /dev/tty\*)
# with serial.Serial(port="/dev/ttyUSB0", baudrate = 9600, timeout=1) as tester:
# Use COMx in windows
# with serial.Serial(port="COM4", baudrate = 9600, timeout = 10) as tester:
# send sync char
print("sending sync char")
print("waiting for handshake request...")
readback =
print([hex(b) for b in readback])
if len(readback) == 6 and readback[1] == 1:
print("handshake request received")
#send the handshake response
deviceID = 4208 #4208 is a test Device ID
handshakeResponse = createMessage(bytes([0x81, 4, deviceID%256, (deviceID >> 8)%256, 0, 0]))
print("sending handshake response")
print([hex(b) for b in handshakeResponse])
# send some status data
statusDataID = 35349 #status data id of "Test engine measurement / fake data"
dataValue = 200 #data value of 10 will show on MyGeotab (because of the conversion factor of 0.1 and offset of -10)
dataMessage = createMessage(bytes([0x80, 6, statusDataID%256, (statusDataID >> 8)%256, dataValue%256, (dataValue >> 8)%256, 0, 0]))
print("sending status data")
print([hex(b) for b in dataMessage])
print("waiting for data ACK...")
readback =
print([hex(b) for b in readback])
if len(readback) == 6 and readback[1] == 2:
print("data ACK received")
print("invalid response")
If the script executes successfully against an awake (ideally with Ignition On) GO device, the output should resemble:
# sending sync char
# waiting for handshake request…
['0x2', '0x1', '0x0', '0x3', '0x8', '0x3']
# handshake request received
# sending handshake response
['0x2', '0x81', '0x4', '0x70', '0x10', '0x0', '0x0', '0x07', '0x18', '0x3']
# sending status data
['0x2', '0x80', '0x6', '0x15', '0x8a', '0xc8', '0x0', '0x0', '0x0', '0xef', '0x8c', '0x3']
# waiting for data ACK…
['0x2', '0x2', '0x0', '0x4', '0xa', '0x3']
# data ACK received
Spoof a GO device
Run this Python script to emulate a GO device while your external device is connected via the RS232 port:
import serial
import time
def checksum(message):
b0 = 0
b1 = 0
for i in range(0, len(message)):
b0 += int(message[i])
b1 += b0
return bytes([b0%256, b1%256])
def createMessage(message):
message = bytes([0x02]) + message
check = checksum(message)
message = message + check + bytes([0x03])
return message
# look for ttyUSB in Linux (ls /dev/tty\*)
# with serial.Serial(port="/dev/ttyUSB1", baudrate = 9600, timeout = 60) as tester:
# Use COMx in windows
# with serial.Serial(port="COM7", baudrate = 9600, timeout = 60) as tester:
# read sync char
print("waiting for sync char...")
readback =
if len(readback) and readback[0] == 0x55:
print("sync char received")
print([hex(b) for b in readback])
handshakeRequest = createMessage(bytes([0x1, 0]))
print("sending handshake request")
print([hex(b) for b in handshakeRequest])
print("waiting for handshake response...")
readback =
print([hex(b) for b in readback])
if len(readback) == 10 and readback[1] == 0x81:
print("handshake response received")
print("waiting for status data...")
readback =
print([hex(b) for b in readback])
if len(readback) == 12 and readback[1] == 0x80:
print("status data received")
statusDataID = readback[3] + (readback[4] << 8)
dataValue = readback[5] + (readback[6] << 8)
print("status data id: " + str(statusDataID) + ", value: " + str(dataValue))
ackMessage = createMessage(bytes([0x2, 0x0]))
print("sending ack")
print([hex(b) for b in ackMessage])